First Week Of Senior Year
Today was my first day as senior at OU. I woke up with the regular routine: brush my teeth, make kudu, pray, change, and head to Norman from OKC. I wore a long loose dress, a hijab, a jacket, and a mask. Once I was at OU, I finished my molecular bio lecture and took detailed notes. I studied the Palestine-Israel conflict before holding an educational event about it. Someone offered me marshmallows there, and I had to explain to them how I can't eat gelatin and pork in my religion.
After heading home, I greeted my parents, changed, ate, did a quiz and fell asleep. After waking upI studied some more and started working on this blog. This first week has been slow but still stressful as an important exam nears. I have to do good on that exam, the expectations of my family burden me more than failure. That's all for tonight.
Take care,
Zille Huma
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