
Showing posts from January, 2021

Time Strategies

  Time: Source: I have decided to organize my time in sets of three during the week! On Monday I will spend two hours for readings A and B. On Wednesday I will do my story, and blog comments. Finally, on Friday I will do two hours on my project, and project feedback for the class. I think this will keep a steady pace for me. I totally agree with working ahead and noted the link with the class assignments by week. This will keep me from forgetting assignments. I appreciated this post on time management I think it will help me. 


 My thoughts about technology for this class is that they are very helpful. I think the main thing for me would be to proofread and make sure there are no spelling errors. I have never used blogger before so this page really helped. I also believe that the browser matters, Chrome works better for blogger I think. Thank you so much. The information was helpful! Technology: Source:


This is unlike any class I have taken at OU. However, it does give the students a sense of accountability while also allowing flexibility. We were never allowed to grade ourselves in any other class. I really like the micro fiction section  however, I think I will have a better understanding of it once Week 2 starts. I am also really interested in what my storybook will be like.  Storybook: Source:

Growth Mindset

  Growth Mindset: Source:-  A Growth Mindset can help you be the best – Metrifit Ready to Perform I really appreciated watching the videos for this because the concept of growth mindset is true. For a long time I hates math and I thought it simply was not for me. I did not believe that I could do math. I always said, "I am not a math person." For a long time, I saw no issue with this statement however after learning about the growth mindset we learn how untrue that is. We can do almost anything we set our minds to do. One of the things on my mind is the MCAT. If I tell myself I will fail and I cannot do it, then chances are I will fail. If I tell myself I can do it, chances are I will struggle initially and get better with time. It is so important to believe in yourself because you cannot reach your full potential with a fixed mindset.

Introduction To Me

Hello everyone! My name is Zille Huma and I am a psychology major on premed track. The coolest thing about my major is how much you come to understand people through psychology. Oklahoma actually has a shortage of psychologists and mental health is a real issue in the United States. I feel privileged to have been taught on this subject. This actually relates to one of the coolest classes I took last semester called Abnormal Psychology. I really recommend it! We went over casebooks of real medical diagnosis and mental health diseases. It was truly a fascinating class because we got to see how psychology is applied to the real world. One of my biggest accomplishments last semester was surviving. Studying at home was twice as hard but in the end it was worth it. This year will be my last at OU. My career goals include medicine and innovation. I want to cure people but also innovate new medicine, and newer techniques!  My hobbies include doing henna/mehendi designs on hands and arms. I...

Storybook Favorites

The first story book I chose is named "Karna and Arjuna." This topic is not familiar with me. I vaguely remember watching Karun Arjun as a kid but have forgotten the movie entirely. This is why the title interested me. The title did do a good job of explaining what the storybook was about because it is about Karna and Arjuna.  The introduction did an excellent job at giving the background story and was engaging as well. I was very invested in the different fates of the two brothers and how they would end up in the end. I really like the labels for the different chapters and the imagery is fantastic. It definitely pulls your attention towards it! This brings me to the design, which I think was beautiful! I loved this storybook. It was organized, neat, engaging, and visually attractive. I will take note of the imagery for my own storybook! Comment Wall : Source:

One of My Favorite Places To Explore

  My family is from Pakistan and there is a place I have always wanted to visit: Khewra. It is a beautiful salt mine with salts of all colors, and shapes. It is made into a building for tourists to come and visit! The salt mine also has railroad tracks and trains which allow people to take a ride and visit the different areas of the salt mine. It is one of my dreams to go there. The lights are so beautiful! It is truly a beautiful and underrated place.

First Week Of Senior Year

 Today was my first day as senior at OU. I woke up with the regular routine: brush my teeth, make kudu, pray, change, and head to Norman from OKC. I wore a long loose dress, a hijab, a jacket, and a mask. Once I was at OU, I finished my molecular bio lecture and took detailed notes. I studied the Palestine-Israel conflict before holding an educational event about it. Someone offered me marshmallows there, and I had to explain to them how I can't eat gelatin and pork in my religion. After heading home, I greeted my parents, changed, ate, did a quiz and fell asleep. After waking upI studied some more and started working on this blog. This first week has been slow but still stressful as an important exam nears. I have to do good on that exam, the expectations of my family burden me more than failure. That's all for tonight. Take care, Zille Huma